Scientists tell us that the universe is expanding every second. But, even though we can’t see it-or even feel it, it is. The online universe is expanding too. That, we can see. Thousands of new websites and blogs...
Franchise Marketing
The Franchise Social Media Summit Starts Today
FranSummit, the brainchild of Paul Segreto and Jeremy LaDuque, is going on all this week. This virtual event has been designed to prepare franchise brands for the Social-Mobile-Local (SoMoLo) revolution and learn...
McDonald’s Goes All In
(Courtesy of Lisa Padilla, Flickr) The executives at McDonald’s headquarters in Oak Brook, Illinois have laid down their arms, and I don’t blame them. They’ve been through a lot…. They’ve...
Determine How Good A Franchise Marketing System Is With These 7 Tips
Part of what you’re paying for when you become the owner of a franchise, is their marketing system. (And, hopefully their marketing prowess.) But, how can you find out if their franchise marketing rocks...
@FranchiseKing |5 Years On Twitter Already?
Is it just me, or does time seem to be speeding up? (I don’t mean to get you depressed) I’ve been a very active (42,000+ Tweets) Twitter user for 5 years, now. Amazing. Twitter has been the most useful tool...
Franchise Power: What a Powerful Logo Can Do For a Brand
(This is a guest post from Dylan Mazeika) One of the biggest challenges in today’s business environment is to figure out how to combat the ups and downs of recession era sales. This task is an even greater challenge for...
How To Make Your Local Franchise Business Stand Out
Is this how to stand out? To fully take advantage of the franchise business model, franchisees need to follow and use the marketing systems that have been laid out before them. These systems, (when they are at their...
5 Powerful Ways To Maximize Your Local Franchise Consumer Marketing
(This is a Guest Post from one of my marketing partners, Chris Anderson, who’s the Co-Founder of Empowerkit.) Nine times out of ten, franchisees aren’t marketing gurus. They’re far from it. Like all...
Get Free Advertising For Your Franchise Opportunity!
Most small business bloggers delete comments that contain really blatant advertising. Not me. I’ve decided that it’s time for this King to start acting like one. I’m going to stimulate the...
Franchise Marketing For New Franchises
You’re not a franchisor until you sell your first franchise. (Franchise lawyers will disagree with me on that.) Remember how excited you were during the franchise development process? You’ve probably been...
Top 10 Tips for Franchises To Get Started With Social Media Marketing
(This is a guest post from my friend, Suzanne Vara.) It’s a new year and with that comes new sales projections and goals that are based upon the heightened expectancy that economic recovery is imminent. The...
This is Why You’re Not Selling Franchises
One reason that you’re not selling as many franchises as you projected you would, is this; You don’t know what today’s prospective franchise buyer’s want. You only think you know. Are you...
Trends in Franchising For 2011; Massage, Mobile, Media, And More!
Franchise Social Media, that is. That’s right; this will be the year that almost every franchisor that’s serious about doing business will enter and engage in the social media marketing space. You can take...
Franchisors; Are You Attempting To Tap Into The Twemendous Tween Market?
The tween market is growing. As a franchisor, do you feel that there’s a way to tap into some of the $40 billion that tweens spend, annually? The Franchise Princess recently graduated from the tween ranks (11-14...
Are Franchise Marketing Managers Missing Out on Massive Amounts of Middle-Aged Money?
Do franchise marketing managers really understand what’s at stake with the millions of baby-boomers in the US? Do franchise mareting departments realize how important it is for them to help the folks that are in...
Here Are The Lucky Winners Of "Attention! This Book Will Make You Money"
Jim Kukral, author (and friend) of Attention! This Book Will Make You Money, was kind enough to offer up a couple of his new business books for 2 lucky readers of The Franchise King Blog. I reviewed it, here...
Are You Willing To Turn Down a $30,000 Franchise Fee Check?
If you're a franchise company executive, I hope so. You should be. You need to be. Franchise fees are important, for sure. But, so is your company's long-term success… I'm about to share some...
Do You Need Help With Your Company’s Internet Marketing Strategy? Don’t Wait Until June 1st!
On June 1st the price goes up. But, you don't care. It's only money. Your online marketing strategies have been wildly successful. You don't even have to go the the rest of this post, because
This Franchise Concept Is A Plus (Batteries Plus!)
Do you ever need batteries? Of course you do. Do more and more electronic items seem to run on batteries, these days? You betcha! There are; Cell phones Laptops PC mice Store displays Specialized lighting And much, much...
Are You Offering A Green Franchise Opportunity?
Shown Here; The Kardashians, in front of their new green, and totally organic garden from GroOrganic, a new green franchise out of California...
Printing Franchise Receives Satisfaction Award
Sir Speedy, a franchise network of printing and marketing services providers, has received a 2010 Franchisee Satisfaction Award from Franchise Business Review. The company ranked number 14 in the Top 50 Large-Class...
Constant Contact Announces The Recipients Of The Franchise Excellence In Email Awards
It was an honor to be asked by the great folks at Constant Contact to help judge the 1st Annual Franchise Excellence In Email Awards. We received some stellar entries, and the votes have been tallied… The...
Constant Contact To Award The Best Franchise Email Marketing Campaigns
Constant Contact, a leading provider of email marketing tools, just announced it’s first ever awards recognizing outstanding email campaigns by franchisors and franchisees. The Franchise Excellence in Email Awards...
Marketing Strategy; Explore The 2010 Local Marketing Trends According To Balihoo
Balihoo Inc. out of Boise, Idaho, is a "Local Marketing Automation" provider, and works in several different industries, including the franchise industry. I've interacted with the folks up there more than...
My Franchise Business Advice For The Week Of December 13th, 2009
This week's for you, franchisors; 2010 promises to be an average year. Will you be able to sleep at night with "average?" Be among the first to try this new marketing technology, free for 30 days. Warning;...
Forget The $1 Cheeseburger, Guys; Burger King UK’s Breakfast Menu May Excite You Even More!
This is different; Burger King U.K. is inviting young men to watch and interact with a bikini-clad girl as she takes her daily shower, in a new "glorious mornings" promotion which urges consumers to...
Jenny Is Living The “Turnkey” Franchise Business Dream
Jenny, Jenny, Jenny. How could you? I know you wanted to be your own boss. I understand. Owning what you do rocks. Especially if comes in the form of a “Turnkey” franchise. I know you were excited to own and...
They’re "Tossing" Out The Old Look
A new look! Once in awhile, every small business-franchise or not, needs a little makeover. Tossed, the Fort Lauderdale-based upscale salad chain recently unveiled a new logo and look designed by Good Studio and JBI...