The Franchise King®

Free Franchise Quiz: Are You A Fit For A Franchise Business?

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Take The Franchise Quiz: Find Out If You Should Become A Franchise Owner

Important! After you type in your email below, look for an email confirmation that includes a link you must click! Clicking that link gives me permission to send you the Free Franchise Quiz + my Free VIP Franchise Newsletter.

Take This Free Franchise Quiz
Find Out If You Should Own A Franchise Before You Write That Big Check
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Over 6,800 people have taken my Free Franchise Quiz since it’s launch way back in 2006. I’ve tweaked this free franchise assessment over the years to keep it current with franchise industry trends and the like-so it’s not “old.” And every question I’ve included in the franchise quiz is there for a reason; to help you decide if you should go the franchise route.

In any event, you need to know this: The franchise quiz I created is not scientific. Like not at all. But, it works. Check this out:

“Regarding your Free Franchise Quiz: You must have been listening in on my internal monologue. You nailed it by commenting that I am a person who would try to help them refine and polish ‘their system.’ That was totally my thought process. I would find a franchise that I found most fitting, get in, learn the system, then try to help them improve ‘their system’ (all the while thinking that by helping them I would be helping myself and all other franchisees of ‘their system’). You have helped open my eyes as I would likely have been seen by the franchisor as a trouble maker, some kind of agent for change and would likely not be well received though my intent would be completely honest, pure, and noble. Thank you sir for your advice. This will help me rethink my path forward.”

– Donald Everly, prospective franchise owner


Video About My Free Franchise Quiz


This Franchise Quiz And Your Potential Fit As A Franchisee

If you’re thinking about becoming a franchise owner, the first thing you need do is find out if you would be a good fit for a franchise business.

Fact: When you buy a franchise, you’re buying someone else’s business system. Their franchise concept is their “baby.”

In a nutshell, that means you, as the franchisee, are required to follow the franchisors’ rules, and use their business systems. That includes following their very detailed operating manual. Their franchise operating manual was written to keep things consistent throughout the system.

In addition, the franchisor will have a specific marketing plan in place. They have pre-set advertising templates for you to use. There are other specific things that you’ll be required to use and do as a franchise owner; they’re all designed to keep the franchise uniform, both operationally, and in the consumer’s eyes. And to make it easy to own and operate your business.

I created the franchise quiz for you, so you can determine if you should pursue being your own boss through franchsing.

Note: a lot of people make the mistake of looking into franchising because they hear that buying a franchise is buying “A business in a box.” Don’t do it. Don’t go into franchise ownership thinking that because it’s a franchise business, everything is set-up for you and all you have to do is open the door to your business every morning and wait for the money to roll in.

Owning A Franchise Involves Really Hard Work. It involves patience, too.

Because you aren’t going to make money for a while.

Owning A Franchise Could Turn Out To Be The Best Thing You’ve Ever Done

That’s right. Owning a franchise can be very rewarding. Very. Rewarding.

It comes down to choosing the right franchise for you, doing great research, and using professionals that know how to buy a franchise, franchise law and small business accounting.

Take The Free Franchise Quiz

Take my free franchise test before you start looking for a franchise to buy.

Because there’s virtually no chance of success unless you’re the right fit for what’s been called the greatest business model ever invented.

After you type in your email below, look for an email confirmation that includes a link you must click! Clicking that link gives me permission to send you the Free Franchise Quiz + my Free VIP Franchise Newsletter.

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