The Franchise King®

@FranchiseKing |5 Years On Twitter Already?

franchises on twitter @FranchiseKing

Is it just me, or does time seem to be speeding up? (I don’t mean to get you depressed)

I’ve been a very active (42,000+ Tweets) Twitter user for 5 years, now. Amazing. Twitter has been the most useful tool in my social media toolbox, and one of the reasons for it is that I’m afflicted (?) with this disease. Twitter’s rapid-fire pace and style is a perfect fit for me. It allows me to use one of my top skills; speed. I get to think on my feet, and respond to other Tweets, and even comments and questions, quickly.


Twitter has been an amazing networking tool for me.

It’s enabled me to get to know people all over the world. It’s also made it easier-and less awkward, to connect face to face.

guy kawasaki joel libava at blogworld

(That’s me with Guy Kawasaki)

About a year after I created my @FranchiseKing account on Twitter, I connected with Guy. He had just started his site, and I had an idea for him that I felt he should hear.

Featured in Alltop

I had been following him for a while, and we had shared a few Tweets back and forth. I sent him a DM, and told him that I wanted to talk to him about an idea that I had to help grow. Guy said okay, and we arranged a phone call. A week later, I called him, and we had a 20 minute conversation. He kind of liked my idea, but he wasn’t overly excited by it. He never ended up using it, but I was okay with his decision. The point is that without Twitter-and without my activity on it, our phone conversation would have never been possible.

Before Twitter, getting hold of an entrepreneur…a venture capitalist like Guy Kawasaki would have been next to impossible. Guy obviously felt that I was credible; otherwise he would not have given me his private phone number.  On Twitter, credibility consists of sharing quality content, and Re-Tweeting others high-quality content, too.

Even though Guy didn’t use my idea, he did allow me to help NEENZ create the Franchising Page on Alltop. That was really cool!


On Sharing

Now, I do tend to share my own stuff on Twitter too much. Another person I was able to meet because of Twitter seems to have the use of Twitter down to a science.

chris brogan interviews joel libava

(Chris Brogan interviewing me about local franchise marketing) Watch The Interview

I met Chris, (after getting to know him a bit on Twitter) at BlogWorld in Vegas, and we’ve been friends ever since. He’s very helpful.

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I don’t want you to feel that I’m bragging. I’m not. I’m just showing you how Twitter has enabled me to meet people…good people.


Too Many To Mention

Here are just a few of the people that I’ve been able to meet face-to-face because I’m so active on Twitter. (Not only am I active-I spend the time necessary to get to know people. Sharing their content doesn’t hurt, either!)

Rieva Lesonsky

Jason Falls

Jim Kukral

Anita Campbell

Lisa Barone

Shashi Bellamkonda

Brian Clark

Ann Handley

Melinda Emerson


Shonali Burke

Suzanne Vara

Anita Cohen-Williams

John Jantsch

Carol Roth

Carol Tice

Eve Lopez

Gini Dietrch

Ramon De Leon

Denise Wakeman

Thursday Bram

Tim Ferriss

Derek Halpern

Rohit Bhargava

Devin Cleary 

Jonathan Fields


If I didn’t list you here-I’m sorry; please leave your Twitter handle in the comment section, and tell me that I suck.


Twitter is my favorite social media tool, and it’s helped my business a lot!

Please follow me on Twitter. Just click the Crown on that cute little bird, below…
follow @FranchiseKing on twitter


Thank you, Jack Dorsey and Biz Stone for having a vision and making it happen.


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headshot the franchise king joel libava

I'm The Franchise King®, Joel Libava. For 24+ years, I've helped thousands of people avoid bank account emptying mistakes.
If you want to make a smart, informed decision on franchises to own, I can help you, too! Note:
I'm NOT a franchise broker/consultant/coach.
See how I'm different.

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"We engaged Joel's services at a very reasonable cost. He has impressive knowledge of this industry, he is honest, and very pleasant to speak to. There is no question that Joel added the clarity and in depth understanding of the franchise business that we needed. I can call Joel a friend. PS. Read his franchise research ebook!"
- Yolanda Wheaton, Georgetown, Texas