Can you really buy a business that’s 100% set up…a “business in a box?” Let’s find out, because it sure sounds good!
A Business In A Box?
What does that mean? What do you,”see” when you read that sentence?
I know what I see.
- I see a franchise business that’s already set-up, and just needs someone to buy it and run it. If it’s a retail type of business not a essay writing website, all the fixtures are in, the shelves are stocked, and the point of sale system is plugged in and ready to go.
- I see a business that’s already to go, and should be easy to manage-since everything has been set-up.
- I see a business that should be easy to make money in, since it’s already set-up and systematized.
- And, since it’s a business in a box, I’m obviously not the first one to own one of them, so naturally it’s a proven business.
Who Constructed The Box?
Who is the entrepreneur that built the box? Credentials, please.
Does this person have a successful track record in business?
Has this person–the franchisor, done real-world testing of the business?
Does this franchisor have a top-notch team in place to support numerous boxes?
In other words, does the franchise opportunity you’re thinking of investing in have teeth?
(Courtesy of Karen_O’D, on Flickr)
Are Other Box Owners Profitable?
The only way to find out if other owners of this business are happy-and making money, is to contact them personally, and ask them.
That way, you won’t have to assume that a ready-made business-one that comes in a box, is a successful one.
And, it’s really easy to get real answers if you know what questions to ask…and how to ask them.
It’s Your Lucky Day!
That’s right; you’re in luck.
If you’ve never investigated a franchise business opportunity, you’ve come to the right place. The blog posts listed below will get you started on the right track. After all, if you’re going to invest in a business in a box, you’re going to want to know if it’s a box worth pursuing.
So you can have a good shot at owning what you do.
What Does it Mean to Buy a Franchise?
How to Avoid Getting in The Weeds
Franchise Research Steps/Entrepreneur Magazine
You Don’t Have to do This Alone
Do you own a business in a box? Do you like it? Are you making money?