If you’re intimately involved in an executive position search now, what are you experiencing?
Maybe another way to ask you that question is this:
Has it been a positive experience?
Or is it getting old?
Like “knocking your head against a wall” old?
A Search For An Executive Position Can Be Tedious
Your search for a high-level job can be especially tough if it’s not the 1st time you’ve done so. Especially if you kind of don’t want to do it again.
With that in mind, let’s see if you can relate to one or more of the following things in your Executive Position search that may be getting old:
- Out of town interviews
- Multi-interview interviews
- Phone interviews
- Interviews with 26 year old HR “specialists“
- Cover letter customization
- 3-hour psychological tests
Of course, nothing beats spending two months doing all the above with one company, and then getting that dreaded phone call;
“You’re credentials are certainly outstanding, your references are stellar, and we really like you. But, we’ve decided to go another direction, and we’ve made an internal hire.”
“An internal hire? Really!!!?
An Executive-Level Job Trend You Need To Know About
From CareerExplorer:
“CareerExplorer rates chief executives with a D employability rating, meaning this career should provide weak employment opportunities for the foreseeable future. Over the next 10 years, it is expected the US will lose -8,000 chief executives. That number is based on the retirement of 4,100 existing chief executives.”
Weak employment opportunities? That doesn’t sound good.
But if you’re convinced that a good-paying high-level job exists for you somewhere, here are 10 industries you should focus on.
Are You Done Now?
Maybe you’re just done with corporate America.
You’ve made good money. You have a decent retirement nest-egg.
But you want more control in your life.
Maybe you’re sick of letting others control your career.
Maybe you’re sick and tired of the games at headquarters. Or…
You may have finally come to the realization that even if you do get another executive position, it will probably last no more than 2-4 years, and then you’ll be doing this crap all over again. Are you okay with that? Or are you ready to open yourself up to the possibilities?
For instance, business ownership. In this case, becoming the owner of a franchise-type of business.
Now I don’t want you to start looking at franchises…or any other type of businesses for that matter, unless you want to own what you do.
In other words, you’ll need to be ready to become your own boss.
Finally, please don’t make the mistake of investing in a business of your own just because you’re angry at corporate America, and you want to show them a thing or two.
To be more specific, if can’t find a good job, don’t buy a franchise for that reason only.
Become a Franchise Owner Because You Finally Want to Own What You Do!
If you’re even mildly interested in owning a business-in this case a franchisze business, you need to start learning about franchising.
Then start your search.
Finally, you may or may not be ready to explore owning your own business.
Maybe getting another job is the only thing you should be focusing on. I’m not you. I’m not in your position-whatever that may be.
And to be blunt, just because I’m suggesting that franchise ownership should be an option to consider, it doesn’t mean it needs to be one for you to consider.
I’m just putting it out there.