Leaving your 9-to-5 job to pursue franchise ownership or entrepreneurship sounds like a dream, doesn’t it? No boss to report to, no rigid schedules, and the promise of building something that’s truly yours. But before...
Change Your Career Path
On Corporate Job Prospects For Former Franchisees
By Catherine Altman Morgan When you became a franchisee you made a big commitment. You not only made a financial investment, but also an investment of time, and likely blood, sweat, and tears. You had high hopes of...
How’s Your Search For an Executive Position Going?
If you’re intimately involved in an executive position search now, what are you experiencing? Maybe another way to ask you that question is this: Has it been a positive experience? Or is it getting old? Fml Head...
Can Buying A Six Figure Job Keep The Monkey Off Your Back?
In this post, I’m going discuss whether or not it makes sense for you to buy a job. But first, I need to explain what I mean about “buying a job“…and if you can even do it. Buy A Job Definition...
Career-Wise, How Was Your Year?
The year is almost over. What? How did that happen? What gives? Time sure is a funny thing. Well…maybe not funny. More like weird. For instance, it seems like yesterday that I was a not very confident 6th-grader...
One Sign You’re Ready To Buy A Franchise
How will you know if you’re ready to buy a franchise? Could you get a sign from above? Maybe. Could a bunch of “coincidences” start happening that lead you to believe that it’s time to become...
Franchise Stories: Part 3- Was Terry In Enough Career Pain To Try Something Different?
You read Part 1 and Part 2 of this franchise blog post, right? If not, you missed Terry Franklin’s story. Hint: It has to do with career pain, and the steps Terry took to relieve himself of that pain. In this...
How To Whack Your Boss
Before I explain how to get rid of your boss-once and for all, it’s important for you to know that I don’t condone violence. I really don’t want you to “whack your boss.” Unless…...
Franchise Stories: Part 2- Was Terry In Enough Career Pain To Try Something Different?
This is Part 2 of Terry’s story. In case you missed Part 1, Terry was downsized from the company he worked for, and found himself in serious career pain. His company was nice enough (cough) to offer Terry the...
Franchise Stories: Was Terry In Enough Career Pain To Try Something Different?
That’s the question I posed to Terry. Without hesitation, he answered “yes,” but I needed to be convinced. Let’s meet Terry. About Terry Terry Franklin was the V.P. of Network Security for the Quetwo2 Corporation. For...
Are You Sick And Tired Of Seeing Your Boss Make All The Money?
“They” say that having a resentment towards someone is unhealthy. I happen to agree. (Not that it stops me from having one every now and then.) What are your thoughts about resentments? Are you harboring any...
Why Making $100K A Year Is Worse Than Being Unemployed
You are not hallucinating. You read that right. There’s a reason why making $100K a year is worse than being unemployed. 2 Q’s I have 2 questions for you. Question #1: Are you presently making at least...
Imagine What Your Life Would Look Like Without A Boss
Can you imagine what your life would look like and feel like if you didn’t have a boss? Can you imagine what would change in your life because of it? Suggestion: Close your eyes for a moment. Picture it. Imagine...
Are You Starting To Have Really Sick Thoughts About What You’d Like To Do To Your Boss?
I hated several of my bosses. Especially the verbally abusive, hot-tempered ones. I’ll admit I had some pretty sick thoughts about what I wanted to do to them. (Not that I would have ever gone through with any of...