(Courtesy of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:ChrisO)
In what’s being called a bold move, leaders from the franchise world are heading to Greenwich, England next week to attempt what some in the franchise and small business community are calling, “Nutso.”
They’ll be meeting with officials from The Royal Observatory-where Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) originates. Clocks from across the globe are set to GMT, and Greenwich is where, “Father Time” lives.
Why Are Top Franchise Executives Meeting In Greenwich?
They’re trying to convince the timekeepers to add 11 more hours to what’s currently a 24-hour day.
Bill Wingding, CEO of a fast food franchise, is leading the charge.
“It’s getting ridiculous. My marketing staff can’t keep up with everything that needs to be done with regards to social media marketing on a daily basis. They’re getting cranky, and they’re demanding more money for all the extra time they’re spending at work. I’ve had it. And, don’t get me started on the franchisees; they really don’t have time to Tweet. They’re trying to run their franchises.”
Can You Relate?
Today’s franchisors are having a tough time managing their social media marketing campaigns.
And, they’re really getting frustrated with the constant Facebook Fan Page monitoring that’s needed to stay on top of their brand. Combine that with 140-character content creation, and learning how to effectively use newer social networks like Google+…it’s a lot to manage.
And, that’s at the corporate level.
When it comes to local social media marketing activities, today’s franchisors are having a tough time convincing their franchisees that they need to become active on all of the social media networks, too.
But, it’s not because franchisees don’t want to do it. It’s because they’re struggling to find the time to do it.
Solutions Are Needed
By now, most franchisors have bought into social media marketing. They’ve seen social media marketing campaigns work. They know that not having their brands deeply entrenched on all the major social platforms is not an option. They just don’t know how to help their employees and franchisees keep up.
But, one Oregon-based social media firm may be able to help.
(*** Disclosure; the co-founder of Eugene-Social, is a friend of mine. His name is Tim Berry.)
In order to get the social media time-suck under control, a strategy needs to be developed. And, that’s one of the things that Eugene-Social can help franchisors with.
You’ll find that an organized approach to social media marketing automatically lessens the time needed to do the manual parts of the process…which are the most time-consuming.
An organized approach is essentially a “plan.” And, no one knows more things about plans…and planning, than Tim. After all, he developed the top-selling business planning software in the world.
Tim, and his daughter, Laura, run the show at Eugene-Social. They help small businesses manage their social media activity. They can also help manage social media marketing campaigns.
And, none of their solutions involve adding more hours to a franchisors’ or a franchisees’ day. On the contrary, they’re focused on creating more time for franchisors and franchisees to do what they’re supposed to be doing; generating revenue.
How does that sound?
Can you make some time…and contact them?
The group of franchise executives mentioned in this post have decided to cancel their trip to The Royal Observatory.
Their reason for cancelling; no time.