The Franchise King®

A Revolutionary New Business Coaching Franchise For Franchise Coaches

(A Coach For Franchise Coaches )

It’s about time; there hasn’t been a new business coaching-type franchise offered for over a year now, and I for one, feel that we need more business coaches! Don’t you?

Franchise coaching veteran Tad Sweetbreath has come up with the best idea, (in this bloggers opinion) this year.

A coaching franchise for franchise coaches.

C4FC‘s is the name of Tad’s concept. Snappy, huh?

Let’s think about this for a moment. If you’ve read any of the posts about franchise coaches that have been written, you may notice a common theme.

A lot of folks who invested in coaching franchises have either gone out of business, or are struggling.

Really? Really. A must-read

Tad knows why;

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Joel, they were never trained right, and I aim to change that, ” he said.

I pressed Tad about what he plans on doing. Here’s what he said;

I’m going to make men out of these folks. I don’t even care if they are women! If they were sold on the idea that all they have to do is find prospects who will gladly pay $2,000, $3,000, even $6,000 a month for their services, but they can’t seem to find easy prey, I’ll show them how to bait their hooks, and find those darn fish.

Sweetbreath continues:

“It’s easy..I have developed a boot camp just for them. If they are average at sales, or worse-below average, I will show them how it’s done. However, my techniques are not for the meek.”

I asked Tad to to elaborate. Here’s what he said, and this may be a bit controversial;

Joel, have you ever heard the saying that if you don’t sell, you don’t eat?”

I said,”yes, of course I have.”

Well my in my C4FC’s Boot Camp, if they don’t learn how to sell the way that I teach them, I won’t feed em. The program lasts 13 weeks, and they could lose some serious weight if they don’t learn how to do things my way.”

What a Tremendous Guy

That may seem a little harsh folks, but Tad added that, “is not eating for 12-13 weeks worse that investing in a coaching franchise that you never should have invested in to begin with? Talk about not eating…

Tad may be on to something.

Total investment for the C4FC’s franchise is only $75,000.

To learn more, you may write to him at his Las Vegas estate;

House with palm trees

Master Tad Sweetbreath

14300 Las Vegas Way, SW

Las Vegas, Nevada,


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joel libava

I'm The Franchise King®, Joel Libava. For 23+ years, I've helped thousands of people avoid bank account emptying mistakes.
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