The Franchise King®

How Can A Junk Removal Business Lower Taxes?

junk removal franchises

The junk removal business is huge.

That’s probably why junk removal franchises are becoming popular.

But, how can this type of franchise business lower taxes?

Keep reading.

How Can A Junk Removal Business Lower Taxes?

The junk removal business I’m referring to-the franchise, is called The Junkluggers.

Franchisees (and their employees) of The Junkluggers haul away the stuff that homeowners and small business owners don’t want or need anymore, for a fee. The fee is based on weight…not on the hours it takes to pack everything up and haul it away.

Josh Cohen, the founder of The Junkluggers, is known for his focus on being an eco-friendly franchise business. But, there’s something else that he may become known for.

Lowering His Customers Taxes

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Now, Josh doesn’t know I’m writing this…you’ll probably read this before he does. But, check this out:

The Junkluggers franchisees and/or employees, have been seen happily providing tax-deductible receipts to their customers.

The tax-deductible receipts they’ve been handing out after their jobs have been completed can sometimes off-set most or even all of the cost of the junk removal services that the customers just paid for! (Depending on the items they were able to donate on their customers behalf.) How great is that?

It’s real great! It’s an added bonus that customers of The Junkluggers aren’t expecting.

Everybody likes a good write-off!

You think I’m kidding about this?

From The Junkluggers:

We do our best to keep as many of your items out of the landfill as possible. We donate furniture and other items to charity at the customer’s request and strive to recycle any items that cannot be donated. We are happy to provide you with a tax deductible receipt on donations. Whatever cannot be donated or recycled is taken to the town transfer station.”

Buy A Franchise That’s Ec0-Friendly And  Lowers Taxes!

Why not, right?

What would be wrong with owning a very grow-able (multi-truck) franchise business, where you can:

  • Control an entire geographical area
  • You can call on both residential and commercial customers
  • You can help customers get rid of their unwanted stuff
  • Help the environment
  • Help lower your customers taxes

Junk Removal: A Much-Needed Business

I know  you didn’t wake up this morning thinking about junk…or about becoming the owner of a junk removal franchise business.

Who would?

But, think about this:

How many people in this country are downsizing their residences right now?

When people move, they leave a lot of junk that needs to be removed.

Either they have it removed, or the new owners do.

And, that’s only one little slice of this market.

A growing market.

One that you probably didn’t think about.

Until today.

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I'm The Franchise King®, Joel Libava. For 24+ years, I've helped thousands of people avoid bank account emptying mistakes.
If you want to make a smart, informed decision on franchises to own, I can help you, too! Note:
I'm NOT a franchise broker/consultant/coach.
See how I'm different.

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