Has your frustration level (at work) reached unsustainable levels, because you’re sick and tired of working for a bunch of nincompoops? I’ve been there. But, not for a long, long time. Do I still get...
Change Your Career Path
Make A Great Career Choice By Listening To That Little Voice
You have some choices to make about your career. You could: 1. Keep your current job 2. Keep your current job, but ask for a promotion 3. Keep your current job, and look for a better one 4. Keep your job, and look for a...
Being Stuck In A Job You Hate
I was waiting tables until I was almost 30 years old. I hated it. The food-service business is tough. I felt stuck. Actually, I felt worse than stuck. Keep reading. Loserville Waiting tables…at the age of...
James Gets A Call From An Executive Recruiter
(Pictured: James getting a call from an Executive Recruiter)All he was doing was sitting at his desk, catching up on his expense reports. It wasn’t like he was waiting for his phone to ring. But, it did. An...
Downsized. What an ugly word. A common one too. Not as ugly as “fired,” but still, it’s just not a pleasant word. Especially if you’re the one using it. Downsized Here’s an example...