I’ll put that question to you in another way;
Would you rather have the abilty to pay your car or truck payment, or not pay your car or truck payment, and end up having somethingreal specialhappening in your backyard at 3:00 AM?
A truck getting repossessed
McDonald’s is planning on hiring 50,000 workers during what it’s billing as National Hiring Day.
McDonald’s Corporation and its franchisees plan to recruit as many as 50,000 U.S. employees to add to its roughly 600,000-member ranks on April 19th….
That’s pretty good news, right?
In a recent press release, McDonald’s said it would use the nationwide recruitment day to invite applicants to “learn that a McJob is one with career growth and endless possibilities.”
That word; “McJob.” Kind of a negative one, huh?
Did you know that in 2003, Merriam Webster added the word “McJob” to its dictionary and defined it as–check this out, “a low-paying job that requires little skill and provides little opportunity for advancement.”
Now, I would wager that this year’s high school seniors aren’t trying to figure out a way to game the system, so that they can have first dibs at some of these $8.00 an hour jobs.
But, some people are looking for a way to get out of their holes. Some people are trying to keep up with their car payments.
And I’ll bet that there are more than a handful of 55-year olds who haven’t been able to find a job in over a year thinking about applying for one of these on April 19th.
Read more about the McDonald’s franchise empire.