You only think you need to have passion for your business.
That’s because you’ve probably heard it said-or have read about it somewhere.
Heard what? Read what?
“You need to have passion for your business in order for it to be successful.”
It’s a lie.
A big, fat one.
Picking Up The Real Poop
Did you know that you could pay someone to clean up your dog’s poop?
Better yet, did you know that there are several franchises that specialize in that service?
Now, I’ve never talked with or met a franchisee of Pet Butler, or UnPoop. (I made that name up)
But, I’d be willing to bet a box of Hefty® yard clean-up bags that none of the franchisees of dog poop clean-up businesses are passionate about dog poop.
Would you like to take that bet?
I didn’t think so.
You don’t need to have passion for your products or services in order for your franchise business to succeed.
You just have to be passionate about it succeeding. That’s the real poop.
Image by dreamcicle19772006, on Flickr