It’s too bad Robert Cresanti, president and CEO of The International Franchise Association (IFA) is stepping down March 31st. Why?
Because he’s not Stephen J. Caldeira, the former head of the IFA. A guy who seemed to be more focused on having a “K Street” address than heading up a franchise business organization. An organization of franchisors, franchisees, and suppliers that’s supposed to protect, enhance and promote franchising.
FYI: K Street, located in the heart of our nation’s capital, is where the majority of lobbying organizations operate.
So what’s different about Cresanti? Keep reading.
The International Franchise Association Statement
I want you to read this statement from the IFA.
IFA Statement On January 6th Events At U.S. Capitol
The International Franchise Association (IFA) today released the following statement regarding today’s events at U.S. Capitol:
IFA condemns in the strongest terms the violence and destructive behavior we have seen in Washington DC today. Our leaders need to take the high road and work to quickly bring about a peaceful transfer of power and uphold the democratic foundations upon which our government, economy, and society are built. While the right to peaceful protest is a fundamental American right, there is no excuse for these actions – or for instigating them. The American people deserve better.
Robert Cresanti, IFA President and CEO
Thank you Robert.
Thank you for saying the right thing…for doing the right thing. There’s more. This time from the FranPAC section of their website.
The IFA condemns last week’s violence at the U.S. Capitol in the strongest possible terms. There is no excuse for elected officials to incite violence against anyone. IFA will continue to evaluate our political giving guidelines as we prepare our plans for the 2022 election cycle. IFA’s mission is to protect and promote franchising, and support politicians who make the business model a priority. Last week’s violence, and elected officials’ rhetoric and actions surrounding it, will be a part of that review process. We urge a peaceful transition of power next week.
It gets better.
The IFA Statement On Election Results
It’s important to know that Cresanti stepped up again. This time on January 6th, 2021.
IFA Statement On January 6th Events At U.S. Capitol
The IFA today released the following statement regarding today’s events at U.S. Capitol:
IFA condemns in the strongest terms the violence and destructive behavior we have seen in Washington DC today. Our leaders need to take the high road and work to quickly bring about a peaceful transfer of power and uphold the democratic foundations upon which our government, economy, and society are built. While the right to peaceful protest is a fundamental American right, there is no excuse for these actions – or for instigating them. The American people deserve better.
Robert Cresanti, IFA President and CEO
Undeniably, that was another impressive statement. But it’s more than that.
Notably, it’s an acknowledgment from a still, mostly Right-leaning lobbying organization that focuses on a powerful business format…franchising, that there was no election fraud. But is it enough?
Will The International Franchise Association Publish Another Statement?
It’s been reported that several large corporations are suspending donations to Republican elected officials who lied about election fraud taking place in the 2020 Presidential campaign.
These corporations include AT&T, the largest public company donor to those lawmakers, along with Amazon, Dow, and American Express. And there are more to come. Read
So, will the IFA publish another statement?
A statement saying that their PAC (FranPAC) will immediately suspend donations to folks like Steve Scalise (a Republican lawmaker the IFA has donated to in the past) who lied about election fraud taking place?
I hope the IFA does it.
Heck, if they did that, I may consider joining the IFA myself.
IFA Statements
1. Election Results
2. Jan 6