The Franchise King®

Revealed: Why Franchise Ownership Isn’t For Everyone

franchise business ownership is not for everyone

Just because you have a desire to own a business doesn’t mean it has to be a franchise business.

Because franchise ownership isn’t for everyone.

Wait, Joel. Aren’t you pro-franchise business?”

Of course I am. Usually.

Joel, isn’t the franchise business what you write about, make videos about, and help people get into?”

Yep. But not everyone is cut out for franchise ownership.

Let me show you why.

Why Franchise Business Ownership Isn’t For Everyone!

While the franchise model is quite amazing, and has made lots of people lots of money, it may not be right for you.

Then again, it may be perfect for you.

So perfect in fact, you may be disappointed you didn’t learn about it sooner!

Let me break it down for you. If you:

  • Don’t want to reinvent the wheel
  • Like systems
  • Always follow the rules
  • Appreciate detailed how-to information
  • Like the power of a group
  • Will spend money to make money
  • Are willing to pay for support

Then you should take a hard look at franchising. Of owning a franchise business. Especially if you’re in career pain and you have the money to buy a franchise.

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How much money do you need to buy a franchise?

Now that you know who’s right for franchise ownership, let’s talk about people who shouldn’t own a franchise business. Ever.

Who’s Not Franchise Owner Material?

This next part has the potential to save you hundreds of thousands of dollars.


Because as excited as you may be about the possibility of becoming a highly profitable franchise business owner, it may not be the right business ownership path to take. And you need to avoid it.

With that harshness in mind, read this next part carefully, so you don’t make a major mistake.

Namely, don’t even think about franchise ownership if you:

  • Like making the rules
  • Are super-creative and need to use that skill a lot
  • March to the beat of a different drummer
  • Don’t want to share a % of your revenue with anyone
  • Want to come up with your own ad slogans etc.
  • Want your own name on a business

Do you see where I’m going with this?

But wait. I have some excellent news for you.

A Free Franchise Ownership Decision Making Tool

Several years ago, I created a free tool that will quickly help you decide if owning a franchise is right for you. And close to 7000 people have used it.

It’s actually a quiz, and it will take you 8-10 minutes* to complete.

*Interestingly enough, 30% of the folks who visit the Free Franchise Quiz page don’t take the quiz. It bothers me.

That’s because in my mind, if someone who may be about to invest $200,000 into a franchise business won’t take the time to see if they should even be looking at franchises…


Plus I grade each and every quiz myself. No software or AI. Just me. Why?

Because buying a franchise is a big deal.

So take my Free Franchise Quiz, so I can score it for you, and tell you if franchise ownership is right for you.

Because as I said, owning a franchise business isn’t for everyone.

Did I get you thinking?

Are you going to take the quiz?

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franchise article written by joel libava
Coaching Quiz

Note: When you buy through links on this website, we may earn an affiliate commission. In addition, I've started to use AI to help me craft better article titles and headings.
headshot the franchise king joel libava

I'm The Franchise King®, Joel Libava. For 24+ years, I've helped thousands of people avoid bank account emptying mistakes.
If you want to make a smart, informed decision on franchises to own, I can help you, too! Note:
I'm NOT a franchise broker/consultant/coach.
See how I'm different.

Recommended Reading
Introduction To Franchising
How Much Is A Franchise?
List of SBA Preferred Lenders
What Is The Franchise Fee? How To Buy A Franchise
Best Franchises To Own

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Free Franchise Tools
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You Speak True Words
You speak true words that I knew from your book and our conversations before I began my quest. Do your research, FDD doesn’t tell the whole story, talk to franchisees and the money isn’t everything. Having taken all this into consideration I found my franchise family and am more than happy with it. "

- Wolfgang Willems, Assisting Hands Franchisee, Texas