Becoming the owner of a dessert franchise can be sweet. Especially if it’s one that’s getting a lot of buzz.
Most of us (when we think of dessert franchises), think of frozen yogurt franchises and/or ice cream franchises. But what’s next? What will be the next ‘hot” dessert franchise?
Cookie dough shop’s.
The Dangerous Dessert That May Become Really Popular
The dessert I’m referring to is raw cookie dough. Everyone knows it’s dangerous, right? Especially since the FDA has issued numerous warnings about consuming raw cookie dough. Brian Zikmund-Fisher disagrees.
“An FDA official may personally believe that eating raw cookie dough isn’t important and choose to never eat it. That is their choice. At the same time, I can believe that eating cookie dough (made from flour known to be not part of the recall and pasteurized eggs) is something that I enjoy enough that I’m willing to put myself and my children at (a very small) risk to do.” More
The recall Zikmunbd-Fisher was referring to had to do with a bad batch of flour. Flour is used to make cookie dough…along with raw eggs.
What he’s basically saying is that the risks are small-unless the flour or the eggs are subject to a recall-or they’re expired etc.
But if you’re still skeptical about eating raw cookie dough, don’t worry; Kristen Tomlan has come up with what she says is a worry-free solution. It’s her safe, new cookie dough recipe.
(Screenshot from the Dō website)
A Cookie Dō Shop
“During a girls’ weekend in Philadelphia, we stopped by a cookie shop for a sweet-tooth fix, but my inner child craved the unbaked dough. We bought a tub of frozen cookie dough — intended for baking — and we passed around the tub, loving every bite and laughing about the lack of cookie dough designed solely for eating in its pure form. From there, DŌ was born.”
– Kristen Tomlan, founder
New York’s Greenwich Village is where Tomlan opened her first Dō, Cookie Dough Confections store. It’s where customers can enjoy worry-free raw cookie dough desserts. You can eat the dough by itself, mix it with ice cream, or take it home. Check out the flavors!
Her shop is getting a lot of attention. It’s a busy, busy place. It’s so busy, she’s been getting franchise questions. As in, “Are you ever going to franchise your stores?”
My guess: She will. And soon.
Would you be interested in opening a cookie dough franchise in your neck of the woods?
Could cookie dough shops become a thing?