This is a very special night for my hometown of Cleveland, Ohio. It’s been over 50 years since any of our sports teams have won a championship. This is an important game for the Cleveland Cavaliers-our NBA...
Cleveland Franchise Stuff
One Smart Franchisor
Owners of retail franchises only have so much space to work with. It’s limiting…so as an Owner, you can pretty much only sell what your customers can see and touch. So, when corporate decides to add a brand-new product...
Thank You Note From A New Franchise Owner
Once in awhile, we get kudos from people that we didn't know how much we helped, either professionally, or personally. As someone who helps people change things around, career-wise, it's visually easy to see the...
Local Franchise Consultants And Brokers Can Help You Find The Right Franchise
If you have decided that franchise ownership may be for you, do you feel it makes sense, at least logically, to seek out people in your local area that know about the franchise industry? Maybe you feel that it is not...
Cincinnati Franchises Being Purchased By Downsized Workers
"Welcome to the franchising world in a sour economy. Former executives from around the country are deciding to become franchisees. When you buy into a franchise business, you get marketing, advertising and training...
Will Twitter Crash During The Presidential Election? Will It Be My Fault?
I will be LiveBlogging the Presidential Election in conjunction with WKYC-TV, the NBC affiliate in Cleveland. I will be joined by such local luminaries like Michael DeAloia, George Nemeth and others, at the TV Studio. I...
Cleveland Franchise Consultant Breaks Bread With The Fed
Breaking bread with The Fed is really what I said. Yesterday, I joined 24 other Cleveland small business owners at The Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, one of 12 Federal Reserve Banks in the US. The Federal Reserve...
Small Business Expert Of The Week
WOW! I want to publicly thank the fine folks over at for naming me "Business Expert Of The Week." You made this guy smile. Read about it on the Community Blog… By the way, The
Rooster’s Franchising Strategy Worth Watching
A Central Ohio restaurant franchisor. With no corporate headquarters? Named after an animal that goes"Kakadoodledoooooooo!" No, I am not making this up, like a certain other website’s writer’s seem...
A Green, Wormy Interview Tuesday On Small Business Trends Radio
Steve Rucinski, and Anita Campbell have a weekly radio program focusing on today’s Small Business Trends. This week, a Green subject is being discussed, as Tom Szaky, Founder of TerraCycle, discusses the recycling...
7-Eleven Slurpees Are Free On July 11th!
On 7-11 you can have a Slurpee on 7-Eleven. So, on July 11th, go into your nearby 7-Eleven, and slurp up a Free Slurpy*. Where is the nearest 7-Eleven located, you may ask? Look Here! {I am accepting Slurpee deliveries...
An Example Of Why Franchising A Business Is Not Always The Right Way To Grow
I receive about 2-3 calls a month from folks inquiring about franchising their concepts. Most of them are food related businesses, and are not even close to being ready for the commitment of time and money to turn a...
Former Ford Employee Opens New Franchise!
Every time it pours, I want you to think about Gerald Krause, a former Ford employee who just opened a new franchise. Franchise Seminar Gerald retired from Ford last year, and attended a seminar on franchising that I...
The Franchise King’s Video Response To Papa John’s 23 Cent Pizza!
*********Update****** Update****** Go here {today only May 8th} for Live Updates of 2,000+ people waiting in line for these 23 cent Pizza's. WKYC-TV's website. Police involved, now.Line jumping starting as...