Please don’t be angry with me, but it’s not fair for me to answer this question: Should you look into franchise ownership now? That’s because it’s a very personal one. As you’ll see in the...
Franchise Blogs
Good Jobs: Keep Your Good Job As Long As They Will Let You
If you currently have a good job, you should seriously consider keeping it for as long as you can. Or, as long as “they” will let you. They being the people who sign your paycheck. You...
Nothing Stays The Same; WordPress and More
In our fast-changing, always-connected world, nothing seems to be static for too long, anymore. We’re constanly being introduced to new tools, and new technologies. It’s rather overwhelming. Some of us are...
A Featured Blog On Typepad
Six Apart’s Typepad, is the blog application I use for all of my sites, and blogs. I have been using Typepad for a couple of years, and really enjoy the ease of use. I met the fine folks from Six Apart in person...
Facebook Now Delivering Pizza’s!
Fellow Franchise blogger Dane Carlson is reporting that Pizza Hut and Facebook have made an interesting marketing alliance, the first of it’s kind… �We are moving fast to put our online customers in...
What’s The Matter? Don’t You Like Your Franchise?
"Are you telling me that you invested $150,000 into a franchise of your own, it is a sales and marketing B2B franchise concept, you know how to sell, but you don’t like the fact that what you are selling...
American Express Open Forum; It’s Becoming Quite The Community
Open Forum, the American Express Small Business website is really starting to become popular. With the likes of renowned experts on small business like Guy Kawasaki, Ramon Ray, and Brent Leary, the site is getting some...
Before Investing In A Franchise, Consider The Following….
Free Tips! There are several things to consider before embarking on a franchise business that you can call your own. Recently, I was asked "What Are The Basic Things To Consider Before Investing In A Franchise...
West Coast Franchise Expo Coming Soon! Read About The Exhibitors
November 7th is the 1st day of this huge Franchise Show that takes place in LA. This show attracts potential franchise owners who wish to look around and spend some time with those concepts that interest them. If you...
Green Franchise Scores A Post; In The HUFFINGTON Post!
WOW! I know of one franchise concept that is probably not having any trouble finding new franchise owners. I have written about their food franchise several times in the past two years, and their concept is right for...
US News And World Report Discusses Blogging For Business
Blogging. Blogs. Bloggers. BlogWorld. If you spend anytime online, the word blog is quite familiar. Blogs of course used to called Weblogs. A type of diary, weblogs have turned into pseudo websites. If you have a...
Simple And Inexpensive Franchise Marketing Available Here; Exit Now!
If you are in the business of franchising, another words are a franchisor,or a supplier to the industry, your business is probably being hurt by the current US economic downturn.{To say the least!} What should you be...
Green Franchise Information On
One of the websites that I contribute to is, and I was recently asked to write a short article about Green Franchises. This year, more than ever, the word Green is being used in small business circles, and this...
Franchise Author Symposium On The Radio, This Thursday
On Thursday, August 21st, I will be one of the featured franchise book authors on, a BlogTalk Radio Production. This 2 hour show with authors like Joe Matthews, Julie Bennett, Michael Gerber, and...