100 Million!
Build-A-Bear Workshop is hosting a year-long “Friends Count” celebration to spotlight the emotional connection created with every furry friend made. The celebration includes in-store events, charitable activities, and the launch of a brand new website, buildabear.com/stories, where Guests can share and read stories about others who have made furry friends at Build-A-Bear Workshop.
“We cherish the many friends that we have made throughout the years and we could not be where we are today without our Guests, partners, and associates,” said Maxine Clark, Build-A-Bear Workshop founder and chief executive bear. “We would like to thank these special friends for their continued support and dedication to Build-A-Bear Workshop and look forward to making the next 100 million furry friends!”
Build-A-Bear Workshop is kicking off the “Friends Count” festivities with:
- The new Cele-bear-ation Teddy available in Build-A-Bear Workshop stores and online at buildabear.com®. This limited edition Collectibear® symbolizes all of the friends that have been made at Build-A-Bear Workshop, as well as friends to be made in the future. It includes a limited edition collectible pin.
- Through March 5, Guests can enter The Ultimate Build-A-Party® Sweepstakes and have a chance to win a trip to meet Victoria Justice, popular teen actress, singer and Build-A-Bear Workshop brand ambassador. The winners will meet Victoria Justice in Los Angeles and have The Ultimate Build-A-Party with five of their friends. Guests may enter at any participating Build-A-Bear Workshop store or online at buildabear.com/sweeps.
- A special “Friends Count” song, written especially for this celebration, and performed by Victoria Justice. The song is available to download when Guests make a $1 donation to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital®, one of the world’s premier pediatric cancer research centers, which Build-A-Bear Workshop has supported since March 2011.
Congratulations, Build-A-Bear!
(Me and Ben Spark’s Eva Bear, BlogWorld 2010, Las Vegas)