Guy Kawasaki
With thousands of new websites and blogs being added to the internet every day, it is becoming increasingly difficult to absorb everything that is going on in our world. It used to be easier. On the way to work in the morning, one only needed to tune in the radio….
To get the day’s current news stories. While at work, you worked, maybe turning on the car radio again at lunch, to stay current. The drive home consisted of a little news gathering, but mostly drive time radio-music or talk programming, with a little news sprinkled in. If you chose to watch them, the evening news programs at 7:00 PM provided a perspective on the day’s news, given by well known anchors, who you basically invited into your living rooms.
Are you doing your news and information gathering the same way now?
I think it is safe to say that you get news delivered to you in a mostly different way. Sure, you can watch traditional network news, at scheduled times. Of course, you can watch news 24 hours a day, via television, or computer. Via computers? Who ever foresaw that?
Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.
These two guys have changed our lives, and have really changed our world.
A gentleman by the name of Guy Kawasaki worked for Steve Jobs over at Apple Computer. Twice. Now he works for himself. Guy is known as an innovator, and is always on the cutting edge of all things online. He even has a blog titled "How To Change The World."
Guy’s newest venture is also changing the way people get their information delivered. Alltop is short for "all the top stories." This website not only provides timely updates of news going on around the world {The site is updated every 10 minutes}, but also delves into topics of interest in numerous categories. The 9 categories are:
- Work
- Living
- Culture
- Interests
- Geekery
- People
- Good
- News
- Geos
There are several subcategories under each basic category, with new ones are being added constantly. is a great website, but I look at it as more of a tool. I go to a few times a day, because it is always current. I encourage you to add it to your daily routine. Go check it out…
{ recently added The Franchise King Blog to it’s Small Business section, making it the first franchise focused blog on the site.}