The Franchise King®

10 Ways To Stay Cool And Keep Energy Costs Down | From Aire Serv

Stupid Texas

(Courtesy of AKA Hige-Flickr)
Summertime electricity costs can be outrageous. Running air conditioning units 24 hours a day can be pretty expensive. If you’re like me, you want to nip away at your energy bill as much as you can. I put a lot of pressure on myself to do just that, every month.

There’s even more pressure to keep your energy costs down, if you’ve recently been downsized. You really have to watch your pennies.

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Aire Serv, a global franchise corporation, just came out with several tips-10 of them as a matter of fact, that can help you lower your energy costs this summer. And, not only will their tips help you lower your electricity costs, they’ll help you keep your air conditioning units running smoothly.

Here you go;

  • Use the ceiling fan only when you’re in the room. Running the fan doesn’t lower the temperature, but it does increase evaporation from your skin to help you feel cooler.
  • A dirty condenser (AC outside unit) should be cleaned by a professional technician to allow greater air flow and distribution across the coil. A service technician will also oil the motors and check the refrigerant charge and electrical components for safety hazards. A system tune-up also promotes less energy usage and greater indoor air quality.
  • Don’t place lamps or heat-generating appliances near the thermostat; the thermostat will not be able to accurately determine the room temperature and may not run as efficiently as possible.
Read the rest of Aire Serv’s tips


Just as an FYI, this isn’t a sponsored franchise blog post. If it was, it would clearly state as much-right on top. I’m providing this information because it’s important, and may be able to save you some money.

And, I know you want to stay cool.
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joel libava

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