Only an idiot would avoid asking that question.
One of the things that separates successful franchise owners from the not-so-successful ones is the research. Superb research.
And, there’s only one way to do fantastic franchise research; my way.
Lose The Ego, Joel
It’s not about my ego. It’s about what I know…what I’ve seen, and finally, what I’ve heard.
Here I am, hard at work
Unfortunately, a lot of what I hear comes at a point at which it’s too late. The video below is a great example of what I’m talking about. It’s an actual phone call I took from a soon to be failed franchise owner. (A gentle suggestion; watch the entire video.)
I’m trying to change the franchise world. I’ve been providing top-shelf education, (I’ve published well over 1,000 different articles on franchising) and guidance, (I offer game-changing franchise ownership advisory services) for years. I’ve just had a franchise book published. I’ve accumulated some haters. (From deep inside the franchise industry) I’m protecting consumers.
And soon, I’ll be helping one lucky lady.
“Helping one lucky lady with what, Joel?”
I’ll let you know pretty soon.
Gentle suggestion #2; subscribe to this blog, so you won’t miss anything.
And when you do your franchise research, ask the franchisees this question;
“If you had to do it all over again, would you buy the same franchise business that you’re now the proud owners of?