Are you a fan of Game of Thrones?
If so, you know about the phrase, “Winter is Coming.”
But if you’re like me and you didn’t watch the series, you need to know the meaning of the phrase.
From Game of Thrones Wiki:
“’Winter Is Coming’” is the motto of House Stark, one of the Great Houses of Westeros. The meaning behind these words is one of warning and constant vigilance.”
In other words, “it more generally expresses the sentiment that there are always dark periods in each of our lives, and even if things are good now (‘summer’), we must always be ready for a dark period when events turn against us (‘winter’).”
-From Game of Thrones novelist and screenwriter, George R.R. Martin.
And what does that famous phrase from the Game of Thrones franchise have to do with keeping local franchise and small business closings to a minimum this coming winter?
Watch this video to find out. Maybe you can do the one simple thing I suggest that will help keep franchise businesses and other small businesses open.