The advent of Internet radio has created a maelstrom of overnight radio show hosts, all bent on delivering their messages, whatever they may be.
You want politics. It’s there. You want to learn about Kiss’s legendary lead guitarist, just tune in. Mom’s to be, learn about what to expect those first few months. But if you want to hear an Italian guy originally from New York who lives in Houston, Texas, and a Jewish guy who lives in Cleveland, and who still lives in Cleveland, discuss all things related to the wonderful world of franchising…. Check out the franchise business radio program that is getting talked about in franchise circles everywhere. It’s called..well therein lies the problem. We need a catchy name. Too help you out a bit, I guess you should know what we talk about-and how we do it.
From the Italian guy’s franchise blog;
“Each week, Paul and Joel focus on the world of franchising,
franchise blogs, news and events. In addition, they explore new
and unique franchise opportunities, and routinely discuss items of
interest to franchisors and franchisees alike including social media,
traditional marketing, lead generation and more.”
But we do have a certain “style.”
Here is a typical exchange between the two;
Paul– “I hear that the International Franchise Association is going to be offering some type of social media training for it’s paid members.”
Joel– “That is awesome. I wonder where they could get a hold of two gentleman who seem to know a thing or two about Franchise Social Media, and how to use it correctly?”
Paul– “Well Joel, it seems that they only want o allow paid members do the teaching and presenting.”
Joel– “Oh. Are you a paid member of the IFA?”
Paul– “No.”
So the question is this; Are the IFA members that are listening to the show offended?
Answer; They are still listening.
Paul and I share the same exact philosophies. They include not spinning the reality of what is is to be a franchise owner. {We were both franchisees}
We are also not that serious. Life is way to short.
So, if you are feeling creative, please help us come up with a name. Heck, we may even let you have a free slot on our show to let you sell your stuff, if you come up with the winning name.
{Please don’t tell Paul I suggested that. He is a pain in the a_ _ when it comes to $ revenue}
One more thing. The show takes place every Thursday, at 1:00pm EST.
You can tune in here. Submit suggestions in the comment area of Paul’s blog, or right below.
Thank you!