As we start tracking The Coolest Franchise Website nominations, I have been thinking about just how much the internet has changed everything. I do mean everything. From how our children are starting to learn about the world, to how we, as adults, find stuff out. It is absolutely mind boggling….
When I started in this area of the franchise industry {I was previously in the automobile franchise sector}, I shared office space with my Dad, Jerry Libava. He had a smallish one room setup, in an office suites environment, and a really slooooow PC. {How slow was it, Joel?} It was so slow, that it took 20 minutes to get a dial-up internet line. I had no idea what email really was, and the talk was of "The World Wide Web."
Fast forward to 2008. Almost everything I do, I do online, now. Print ads. Not. Phone calls. Not as many. Email is the choice of most of us now. I am on my office PC 80% of them time I am at my office. I am on my home PC {Wireless High Speed} for 3 hours a night. It gets pretty challenging to step away from the web. I am afraid I will miss something. Are you?
One thing that I have not changed, is the way I try to help those interested in exploring the world of franchise ownership. I still meet with these courageous folks in-person. Face to face. In my local market area, Northeast, Ohio. It really makes a difference.
My Office- {Well, a small suite on the 2nd Floor}
Thank you for following that internet op-ed trail. Anyway, I have a Cool Contest to run, so make sure the franchise companies that you know and like, nominate their websites! Right Here!