The Franchise King®

Franchising And Veterans; A Good Fit?


On Veteran’s Day, I was asked to join two rather energetic and engaging women on their weekly small business radio program, to discuss how military veterans fit into the scheme of things with regards to franchise ownership.

I’m from this school of thought;

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Military veterans can be great franchise owners. It’s just that we don’t live in a perfect world, and some people, veterans or not, just shouldn’t be small business/franchise owners at all. No way. no how. (For lots of reasons)

Now back to the ladies from Boost Your Business Radio. Who are they?

Rieva Lesonsky owns GrowBiz Media
She was the Editorial Director of Entrepreneur Magazine for 25 years, where she helped millions of Americans launch their own businesses.

Angie A. Swartz owns Square Martini Media

Angie helps business owners incorporate social media into their business strategies. Swartz is also the host of weekly radio show Twitter Talk Radio, which helps business owners use Twitter in business; the co-owner of Twitter Attraction, a blog devoted to “Tweverything;” and the founder of Six Figure Moms Club , a live and virtual support network for executive women.

You’ll find the interview here.

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joel libava

I'm The Franchise King®, Joel Libava. For 23+ years, I've helped thousands of people avoid bank account emptying mistakes.
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My wife and I are interested in starting a business so we visited a franchise expo. Afterwards, we were contacted by a couple of franchisors and we soon found ourselves deeply immersed in researching these particular franchises. We needed to take a step back and take stock of the bigger picture: 'Is a franchise right for us? Right now? What types of franchises would suit us?' We needed an independent and knowledgeable perspective. A paid consultation with Joel Libava clarified some of our thinking and gave us some useful ideas to pursue!" "
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