According to Professional Certified "Coach" Mitchell York, I am.
In his 2009 book, "Franchise: Freedom Or Fantasy, How To Know If A Franchise Is Right For You After Your Corporate Career," York quotes a post I wrote on this blog.
The post, titled, "Job Losses Increasing; Is it Time To Be Your Own Boss?" was portrayed by York as one in which I'm "preying on the emotions of the downsized," etc. etc. York goes on to say that "the King will probably profit handsomely from selling franchises to families on the rebound."
Yep. That's me. I prey on families. All the time. I'll work with darn near anyone that's breathing and who tells me that they want to be their own boss.
I don't care. It's all about the money. The more totally unqualified people that I can "sell" franchises to, the better. I love destroying people's lives. It's what makes me get up in the morning.
Yep. I've profited handsomely from helping people choose franchises that they were never qualified for, financially. Yep. I've worked with folks that had no chance of being successful as small business owners, just to see them fail, and then have to declare bankruptcy.
This "Coach" really knows me.