The online product and service sellers may not like this headline, but buying from local small businesses can really make a difference in your local economy…..It could be the key!
Sure, it is sometimes easier to buy online. And yes, you can sometimes get better deals online. {Except for the shipping cost!}
But, does it help or hurt your local small business owners? I think you know the answer.
I am very passionate about this topic. Buying locally is the best way to help the economy. It really is.
I wrote an article for a local pro-business group a couple of weeks ago on this subject, and the article is starting to get linked around the blogosphere. I feel that the subject is important enough for me to ask you to send it around, also.
I did the original article over at the Business Pundit blog when I was asked to do a guest article there.
Here is the local version.
Here is the Business Pundit one.
Please read it and pass it on to those that you think can help the economy in your area of the country.