Ovenclean Ltd. You heard right. An Oven-Cleaning franchise! Cmon.
Folks that live in the UK will actually pay a "technician" to come over and clean their fish and chip encrusted ovens? No offense to my friends overseas, but I though Americans were considered the lazy ones…
From the official Ovenclean Ltd. website;
- Since our launch in 1992, Ovenclean has grown to become the recognised market leader, currently providing cost effective specialist oven cleaning services to hundreds of thousands of households in the UK alone!
- Ovenclean is the UK’s leading professional domestic oven cleaning specialist. Our expertise stretches beyond the cleaning of ovens, to ranges, AGA's, grills, hobs, extractors, barbecues and microwave ovens.
First off, what's a hob?
Now, I'm all for keeping things clean. I'm certainly ok with cleaning franchises. I've helped more than a few folks get into them as businesses. But, an oven-cleaning franchise?
Am I missing something?
Isn't there a pretty good spray-on foamy type of product that one just well..sprays on?
(You spray the stuff inside your oven, wait like an hour, and wipe off the scummy grease with a damp sponge. Right?)
Now granted it's not a pretty job, nor is it an exciting cleaning project, but paying someone just to come over and clean your dirty oven?
I'll ask again. Am I missing something here?
There's even a franchise owner who's so happy, he bought a bouquet of flowers for one of his original customers! Look
I know that it sounds like I'm making fun of Ovenclean, but I'm actually not. I am just curious.
What is it that residents of the UK cook in their ovens that requires a paid oven cleaning service?