Award-winning writer, Jerry Wilkerson, has been in the franchise industry for a paltry 32 years. He has been adding his thoughtful insight as of late, to all who will read his articles.
Jerry may not know that he's an award-winning writer, though. He's being recognized right now, today, as the "Wordy Franchise Article Writer Of The Year."
Yes, I just made that award up. Jerry's a really smart guy. His many articles on franchising showcase his intelligence. But, Jerry..could you make your articles a little shorter? Or, how about spreading them out as a series. GEEZ!
Anyway, Jerry does do a great job at capturing the real essence of the business of franchising….and when it comes to the always complicated franchisor-franchisee relationship…
Jerry really shows his stuff in this article;
"From the franchisor's perspective, they must figure out in advance what the potential franchisee investor really wants out of this relationship. At what point will the franchisee sign the agreement and still feel as if he or she is coming away with a good deal? This is much different from, "How far can we push them?" Many times a negotiator can push someone to the wall and still reach an agreement, but the resentment will haunt that relationship for the term of the relationship. In this case, nobody wins, all lose."
He's right about the resentment part. One of the main reasons that I left Frannet, (A franchise brokerage franchise) is because of the growing resentments that I was experiencing. I was paying into a franchise system that wasn't providing much value. I was not a happy camper. I was also a tad outspoken when it came to that, and some other issues. I am what I am.
Jerry goes on to say that;
"As with all binding accords of legal consequences, it is imperative to consider that the big print giveth and the small print taketh away. Prospective franchisees must read the contract in full, every word, and understand it. Knowledge is what one gets from reading the small print in an agreement, and experience is what one gets from not reading it. Always seek counsel."
In my opinion, for the right person, at the right time in their life, in the right area of the country, and with the right support of family and friends, investing in a franchise of one's own can be fantastic. The freedom and control of not having a "boss" is a great feeling. More folks should experience it.
Just remember that if you are going to go down this path, you'll be entering into an agreement. A binding one. If you are too entrepreneurial, it's just not going to work out well. If you're too hard-headed, forget about this idea.
Speaking of being too entrepreneurial, my friend Rieva Lesonsky and I have had a little back and forth regarding the "too entrepreneurial" thing. I don't think that being a franchisee is very entrepreneurial. Here's what Rieva thinks. Who's right?
If you're willing to spend the time to learn about the franchise model, before you even start thinking about selecting a franchise, and then have the ability to go into the actual franchise agreement with your eyes wide open, (because you did the essential steps to research that franchise) you'll probably come out on top.
Learn, Select, And Research At Franchise Online
Being on top isn't so bad.
About Jerry Wilkerson
The rest of Jerry's lengthy article can be found in the Spring edition of The Franchise Handbook, located in your grocer's freezer. (Or at your local bookstore)
It really is worth your time to read Jerry's article. It's spot on.
I wonder if Jerry will ever send me an article excerpt again….
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