Last month, I wrote an article about a young franchisor out of Ohio, called Roosters. The article, posted on Small Business Trends talked about how Rooster’s was targeting existing restaurateurs that wanted to get involved with a system, and get their business to the next level. I rather liked this idea, and then went on to discuss an idea some folks come up with that are researching franchises to own….
Once in awhile, during one of my seminars on franchising, an audience member asks an interesting question.
"What if I want to work in the franchise for awhile, before I buy it, just to see if I like it?"
In the article I discuss the fact that it is not something I recommend, and I gave a few good reasons. Rush Nigut, a franchise attorney in the Hawkeye state, liked the article, but disagreed with my opinion. He wrote about it on his blog, and stated a strong case for working in the franchise you are thinking about investing in.
Here is his opinion. What is yours? Do you feel that working in a franchise to see if you like it would be beneficial? Let me know, as I am always open to looking at things differently, if enough people share a differing view.
I am looking forward to reading your comments. Rush is too.