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For you calorie counters;
The New Jersey Senate passed a new calorie law. The calorie law would
require chain restaurants in New Jersey to post the number of calories
in a product right on the menu. The calorie food count measure requires
all restaurants with at least 20 locations nationwide to comply with
the new law. The bill would not apply to salad bars or buffets.
(No calories in that chunky Blue Cheese salad dressing huh, Senators?)
Franchisees of restaurants like IHOP and Windmill Hot Dogs are not happy campers.
At all.
The law is intended to help consumers make smarter food choices by arming them with calorie food count facts. According to,
this is not the first time a legislative body has addressed this issue.
New York City was the first jurisdiction to introduce a calorie law
last year. It was followed by California followed in July, Maine,
Massachusetts, and Oregon. Similar measures are being considered in 20
states and localities to date. Philadelphia is planning to enact a
similar law in 2010.
Read this story, here.
Is this an early April Fool's joke?