We use Guy Kawasaki's Alltop.com for our Franchise Today Show. Our radio program airs live every Thursday at 2:00 PM ET over at BlogTalk radio. Paul Segreto and I discuss franchise related topics that can benefit;
- Future franchise owners
- Current franchise owners
- Franchise execs
- Franchise marketing personnel
- The International Franchise Association (Listen and learn)
Alltop.com is an online magazine rack that features every topic under the sun, and it grabs the RSS feeds of blogs that have been approved to be on it, hourly. The trending topics. All day. All night.
Big name bloggers like Robert Scoble, Chris Brogan, Anita Campbell, John Jantsch, and Ann Handley can be easily found on the site.
Besides listing the top bloggers and thought leaders, if you sign up for a free account, you can even design your own page, called My Alltop.
Here's the Franchise King Alltop page. Notice that I don't just have franchise and small business blogs. (There are too many categories on Alltop to list here.)
Once you have your personal page set up, you can link to it on your own blog or website. You can also email it to your friends, or even put it out on Twitter.
A few months after Alltop.com started, I approached NEENZ, who's Guy's Chief Evangelist for Alltop, and asked her if I could help set up the Alltop page for franchising. She'd already heard of me, so she let me contribute, and now it is a popular page at Alltop.com.
Here's The Alltop King And The Franchise King in Vegas (Blogworld 09)
Please check out Alltop.com
Better yet, bookmark it.
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