Are you ready to tap into your strengths and become a highly successful business owner? Great! In this post, I’m going to go over the top habits of super successful business owners. Your job? Adopt them and...
Franchise Business Tips
If You Want To Make More Money In A Franchise, Plant One Of These
(Pictured: Franchisus Euonymus) It’s been said that certain varieties of plants can bring you good luck, prosperity and the like. Now, before you click away from The Franchise King® website, because you...
Is It Yes Or No On The Franchise You Want To Buy?
It comes down to this question: Is it yes or no on the franchise business you want to by? Suppose that you’re alone at your desk staring at the 35 page franchise agreement (contract) you received from the...
Looking At Franchises? There’s Nothing To Be Afraid Of
(A dark, scary forest) Are you looking at franchises? Do you have a list of potential franchise opportunities compiled? If so, great! Now… Stop with the fear, already. There’s nothing to be afraid of. Yet. Keep reading...
So, This Guy Reads A Negative Franchise Article About…
Thomas Rupert, the “guy” I’m referring to in the headline, ended up purchasing an ampm convenience store franchise-but not because it was “better” than a 7-Eleven franchise. He did so...
5 Tips on How to Run a Wildly Successful Franchise Business
(This is a guest post from Bart Puett, President and CEO of Maid Brigade, Inc., on how to run a successful franchise.) No one said running a franchise business was easy. Starting a franchise business is hard work no...
What’s Stopping You?
I really want to know. What's stopping you? What's stopping you from quitting your nasty job? What's stopping you from asking your friends for suggestions? What's stopping you from trying something new...
Amazing Small Business Resources That Can Turbocharge Your Business in 2011
I’ve been compiling a list of small business websites, and small business blogs for a few years. This list includes the usual suspects, like Brian, Chris, Rieva, and Anita. Liz was recently added, and a totally...
100 Business Movers And Shakers That Should Be Followed On @Twitter
100 The bloggers over at have put together an impressive list of business experts that you may want to follow on Twitter. You are on Twitter, right? You do want to learn about every aspect of...
The Small Business Advocate Radio Program Turns 12 Years Old This Month
Jim Blasingame (Holding A Cleveland Indians baseball bat) As a small business owner, I love the fact that there are actually radio programs that discuss one of my favorite topics..small business. Not only is Jim...
Social Media Marketing By Franchise Companies Can’t Be A Part-Time Gig
If you are an executive, or even the owner of a franchise concept, don’t worry about all the buzz around social media. Don’t pressure yourself into doing social media, just because a growing number of other...
Buying A Franchise; It’s The System
Most of the folks that I consult with in their quest for the best franchise business opportunity to invest in, are looking at franchising for one reason; There is already a “system” in place. However, some...
Your Backup Plan Should Not Include Buying A Franchise
Finally! I have found someone who has a similar philosophy when it comes to franchise ownership. It’s not for everybody. According to fellow franchise professional John Hayes, it should not be a downsized...
Franchise Battle Officially Begins; UPS Stores Vs. Mail Boxes Etc.
I remember hearing about a group of disgruntled franchisees from Mail Boxes Etc. getting together shortly after UPS bought the huge franchise chain out, and deciding that they would not spend the $25,000 needed to...