The Franchise King®

Speaking of The Franchise King

If you’re looking for an energetic, and engaging speaker, who speaks from the heart about the pro’s and con’s of becoming a franchise owner, please consider booking me for your group’s next event.

If you’re expecting me to only discuss the virtues of franchising, and how it changes lives, please exit this page. It’s not going to happen.

The real world of franchising involves success and Failure. The industry as a whole, consistently avoids the “F” word, bit I don’t.

I’ll share inside information that will help your audience reduce their financial and emotional risk, while teaching them proven techniques on how to select great franchise opportunities, and how to properly research them.

I won’t try to steer your group towards any specific franchises, so that I may receive a


Here’s a snippet of a presentation I did for a group of downsized executives…



For more information, please contact me personally.